Association for Women in Science
- AWIS National Site
- AWIS Magazine: provides graduate and professional career, work/life balance, and mentoring advice in addition to articles of interest on various other topics
- AWIS Teleseminars and Webinars
Scientific Organizations for Women in the Chicago Area
Tools for Job/Program Searching and Career Advice Resources
- Graduate-School.PhDs.org/education-index
- MentorNet
- Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC)
- Masters Degree Online
- ScienceCareers.org (check out their Twitter feed!)
- NatureJobs (check out their Twitter feed!)
- SCI: Science Career Investigation from iBio (http://www.finding-your-future.org/)
- Career Trends Away From the Bench booklet
- Career Trends: The Informed Job Search booklet
- 2009 Science Career Basics
- Career Advice for Life Scientists Vol. I & II PDF booklet (published by American Society for Cell Biology: Women in Cell Biology): highly recommended reading providing information on giving presentations, finding a mentor, finding a post-doc, etc. from multiple perspectives.
- Mind Matters Column on ScienceCareers.com. Great advice on issues faced by young researchers that are not openly discussed in the laboratory.
- Sloan Career Cornerstone Science Careers podcast
- Science Careers podcast
- Nature Jobs podcast
- OnlineMastersPrograms
Chicago Area Science Institutes and Programming
- Chicago Council on Science and Technology (C2ST)
- Illinois Science Council
- Project Exploration: provides outreach opportunities and training for women interested in education/youth programs
- iBIO: Illinois Biotechnology Industry Organization
- Healthcare Businesswoman’s Association (HBA) Chicago Chapter
Chicago Area Science Companies
- Abbott Laboratories
- Argonne
- Astellas
- Baxter
- Chromatin
- Dade Behring/Siemens
- Illinois State Police-Forensic Science Division
- Kraft Foods
- Motorola
- Nanosphere
- OhmX
- Ovation Pharmaceuticals
- Sencon
- Sg2
- Takeda/Tap Pharmaceuticals
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
Selected Science Podcasts
(links below will allow you to subscribe to RSS feeds or lead to sites to download individual podcasts)
- Science/AAAS
- Scientific American
- The Naked Scientist podcast
- Science @ NASA Feature Stories
- National Public Radio (NPR) (podcasts on a variety of subjects)
- NPR Science Fridays
- Futures in Biotech
- Technology Review: Biomedicine
- This Week in Virology
- Nature
- American Chemical Society: Chemical Biology
- Popular Mechanics (science, technology and popular stories)
- New York Times Science Times and Tech Talk
- The Guardian Science Weekly
- The Guardian Tech Weekly
- PBS NOVA and ScienceNow
- CBC Quirks and Quarks
- Discovery Channel Radio
- The National Academies: Sounds of Science
Recommended Reading
- The Chicago Guide to Your Career in Science: A Toolkit for Students and Postdocs. Authors: Victor A. Bloomfield and Esam E. El-Fakahany, from Univesity of Chicago Press.
- Women of Science: Righting the Record, 1990.
G Kass-Simon and Patricia Farnes Eds. Univ. of Indiana Press, Indianapolis, IN. - Back to School: Five Myths About Girls and Science
- Does Gender Matter? The suggestion that women are not advancing in science because of innate inability is being taken seriously by some high-profile academics. Ben A. Barres explains what is wrong with the hypothesis.
- Getting to Yes : Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
Roger Fisher, William L. Ury, William Ury, Bruce Patton, William Ury - Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office : 101 Unconscious Mistakes Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers. Authors: Jane Lead and Lois P. Frankel
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